Our Blog
Explore more about our most impressive events and experiences! Including some of our greatest stories, tips and insights. If you’re a guest blogger, we’d love to hear from you too! Alternatively, if there’s a subject or theme you’d like our team to feature here, please do let us know.
Boutique tours in Italy: 3 authentic experiences for small groups
Are you looking for authentic travel experiences in Italy for small groups of less than 20 people? Then boutique tours are the perfect solution for you. A boutique tour provides unique and genuine itineraries and activities that cater to a specific taste, to a niche....
How to Plan a Sustainable Corporate Summer Event
Summer is an excellent season to plan a corporate event! It's easier to use outdoor venues, enjoy fresh seasonal foods that help cope with the heat, and choose from a wide variety of activities in nature. For us at Italian Special Occasions DMC & Events, it's...
How to plan an authentic off-season wedding in Italy
I worked with Laura and the Italian Special Occasions team to plan my wedding in Positano in October 2021. We chose Italian Special Occasions as our partner because of their commitment to creating authentic Italian experiences. Many of our guests were travelling to...
How to make a long-stay workation sustainable, fruitful and memorable
The pandemic has considerably impacted our work-life balance over the past two years. The work-from-home and lockdown policies have forced many to spend countless hours on devices, away from the physical company of their colleagues and friends. Today, many workers...
What to look for when choosing a sustainable events company in 2022
Do you believe that #eventscreatechange? We do! We believe in the power and positive impact that sustainable events can have on local communities and the environment at large. But to move in this direction and make a real difference, we need to look for the right...
Let’s look forward into 2022 and our sustainable future…
Our mission has always been about nurturing and appreciating our beautiful surroundings in a sustainable way. From the moment we set ISO up, our core beliefs, values, mission and vision were all based around our commitment to sustainability and protecting our planet....