Our commitment to sustainability

As part of the SME Hub and ambassadors of Positive Impact Events, we are committed to ensuring our activities, agenda and business strategy are based on specific United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), on implementing ISO 20121 (which offers guidance and best practice to help us manage our events and control our social, economic and environmental impact) and on achieving net-zero emissions before 2050.
The UN created 17 SDGs with targets and indicators, a roadmap to a world we all want to live in. Human connections and interactions are vital to achieving these goals because we need collaboration, idea exchange, knowledge transfer, innovation and inspiration!
Here are some of our sustainable initiatives, how our actions translate into projects and how they align with specific Sustainable Development Goals.
As part of the SME Hub, we are committed to constantly reviewing and improving our data by halving our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions before 2050.
(SDG 13 – Climate action)
We educate and inspire the industry about sustainable tourism through our wonderful initiative: Beyond Italy is a series of itineraries and events built around Italy’s cultural heritage, alongside authentic and unique sustainable experiences.
(SDG 8 – Sustainable tourism)
Through our sister company Creative Italy, we invite people worldwide to learn how to use their hands and ingenuity with artisans. Creative Italy teaches the importance of creating quality objects, consuming responsibly and respecting heritage.
(SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production)
To combat plastic pollution, we commit to supplying each event attendee with a reusable water bottle. The profits go to community-based projects that prioritise quality education for disadvantaged children.
(SDG 4 – Quality education)
A unique educational experience that blends history, art, sustainability and wellness. It takes place in Feudo San Pietro in Milazzo, Sicily, a cultural lung of historical importance. It facilitates the exchange of resources and skills, fostering a positive impact on the local community.
(SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production)
We are Ambassadors of Positive Impact Events and participate in many of their online events for education and exchanges on sustainability, such as Earth Day and the Global Week to #Act4SDGs.
(SDG 8 – Sustainable tourism)
Our objectives for 2025
Less waste
Carefully organise events to:
- reduce food waste and donate any left-over quality food;
- offer sustainable packaging, decoration and food service ware;
- educate event venues, suppliers and attendees on the importance of recycling during and after the event.
Focus on materiality
Analyse the event goals and stakeholders to determine all the positive and negative impacts (economic, environmental, and social) that the event can have.
Engage with our Clients and design the event around those findings and by implementing ISO 20121.
Carbon reporting
We measure our events’ impact. Our aim is to minimise carbon emissions at live, hybrid and digital events.
We include this mission in our contracts to strengthen the transparency and consideration of our interest groups.